Terbaru - Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris 2020 Kelas 9 Smp Dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris 2020 Kelas 9 SMP dan Kunci Jawaban

Choose the best answer!

text for number 1 to 10

A sandwich is a … (1) item, typically consisting of two or more slices of… (2) with one or more fillings between them, or one … (3) of bread with a topping or toppings, commonly … (4) an open sandwich. Sandwiches are a widely … (5) type of lunch food, typically taken to …(6) or school, or picnics to be … (7) as part of a packed lunch. They generally contain a combination of salad vegetables, … (8), cheese, and a variety of sauces or savory spreads. The bread can be used as it is, or it can be coated with any condiments to enhance …(9) and texture. They are widely sold’in restaurants and cafes.

Soal Ulangan Kelas 9 SMP 2020

1. The correct answer is ….
a. food
b. fight
c. fetch
d. fit

Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang benar adalah food.

2. The correct answer is ….
a. beard
b. bear
c. bread
d. bed
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah bread.

3. The correct answer is ….
a. ice
b. slice
c. nice
d. face
Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang benar adalah slice.

4. The correct answer is ….
a. waited
b. stopped
c. entered
d. called
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah called.

5. The correct answer is ….
a. familiar
b. popular
c. known
d. brown
Jawaban: b
Jawaban yang benar adalah popular.

6. The correct answer is ….
a. dark
b. park
c. work
d. fork
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah work.

7. The correct answer is …
a. eaten
b. beaten
c. fasten
d. taken
Jawaban: a
Jawaban yang benar adalah eaten.

8. The correct answer is ….
a. seat
b. beat
c. meat
d. cheat
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah meat.

9. The correct answer is ….
a. Flour
b. Spur
c. Blur
d. flavour
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah flavour.

10. The correct answer is ….
a. lives
b. cafes
c. lies
d. flies
Jawaban : b
Jawaban yang benar adalah cafes.

11. Natural food does not have chemicals, additives or growth hormones. Natural food is simply food grown … the way nature intended.
The best word for the missing word above

a. organic
b. nature
c. organically
d. natural
Jawaban : a
Jawaban yang benar adalah organic.

Text for number 12 to 15

In the meat industry, they need to mass produce, so they … (12) their livestock chemicals and … (13) hormones, this way the animals… (14) bigger and faster. Could this be the reason our children are becoming  … (15) at an earlier age? It is quite possible. The meat industry also uses sneaky tactics to trick consumers into thinking the meat still fresh.

12. The correct answer is ….
a. need
b. feed
c. eat
d. grow
Jawaban : b
Jawaban yang benar adalah feed (memberi makan).

13. The correct answer is ….
a. growth
b. grow
c. green
d. grown
Jawaban : a
Jawaban yang benar adalah growth (pertumbuhan).

14. The correct answer is ….
a. make
b. become
c. are
d. grow
Jawaban: d
Jawaban yang benar adalah grow (tumbuh).

15. The correct answer is ….
a. sick
b. health
c. obese
d. thiny
Jawaban: c
Jawaban yang benar adalah obese (kegemukan).

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